
Hi, I’m Joel Corelitz.

Joel Corelitz

I’m a composer / sound designer. Here’s my portfolio.

I make music every day. Some of it is for games, films and experiences.

Some of it is for nothing.

That’s what’s here. Download anything and use it in your film / game / Podcast / video, etc... for free.

Why did you make this site?

To keep my creative momentum going, I’ve found it  helpful to create short musical cues that for the past few years I’ve been putting into this folder on my computer - 

Most of them are explorations or expressions of the kind of music I wanted to write more of whether I had a project that fit them or not. And just because it’s what I like to do, they’re often dark, electronic, emotional and experimental.

And I want to share them.


Because they don’t do me any good sitting on my computer. I want to spread the word about what I do in a way that has value for the community and hopefully results in more score commissions - that’s my only ulterior motive.

What are the rules?

If you’re a filmmaker or a game developer that needs music, temp tracks or even just refs or ideas, you can use anything you find on this site for free under this creative commons license.

The basic idea is that you can use these for commercial purposes but you can’t create derivitive works or re-sell anything and you have to credit me.

How often will you add music?

I’ll add 3-5 tracks per week to the site.

How long are the tracks?

All tracks are about 1 minute long.

Can you write more of (a specific style)?

That would fall under commissions and this is more for me to create and share whatever I’m feeling like writing at the time. Try searching based on tags though - you might find what you’re looking for! And I’ll add more tags as I go.

What format are they in and how do I download them?

All tracks are in mp3 format. Just click the download button on the embedded SoundCloud player.

But mp3s are compressed - can I have WAVs?

There’s a lot of debate about this but really, mp3s are fine. Also, these ones are free.

Can I have an extended version of one of these or a custom score?

Yes! Please get in touch: joel@joelcorelitz.com

Enjoy and please share!
